Good Morning!
Here’s what’s happening around the parish as we celebrate the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time:
MANY THANKS to all who attended Fr. Birendra’s Going Away party last Sunday. Fr. B was truly touched by your presence and love and overwhelmed by how many came to wish him well. My personal thanks to the Kitchen Magicians and Knights of Columbus who took care of the set-up, clean-up, and hospitality. Please see the attached Goodbye Wish for Fr. Birendra.
PLEASE PLAN TO WELCOME our new Pastor, Fr. Reggie Norman, at an informal Meet and Greet after all Masses next weekend, February 1st and 2nd. We will welcome Fr. Reggie in the Upper Room following the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, and in the church basement after all Masses on Sunday. Light refreshments will be served. Welcome, Fr. Reggie!
OUR NEXT CHILDREN’S MASS will be celebrated next Sunday, February 2, at 9:30 a.m. All are welcome!
TWO COLLECTIONS: There are two collections this weekend: Stewardship and Latin America.
A SPECIAL COLLECTION TO ASSIST VICTIMS OF THE CALIFORNIA FIRES: Considering the tremendous devastation and loss of life resulting from the fires in Los Angeles, we will be taking up a special collection at all Masses this weekend, January 25th and 26th, to assist the victims of the California fires. The Diocese will forward all donations directly to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Checks should be made out to the Diocese of Bridgeport. The ushers will accept donations after all Masses at the exits of the church.
If you’re looking for an elementary school where your child will love to learn, schedule a tour of St. Mark School. Visit our classrooms and meet our faculty and school community. Limited school tours for prospective Kindergarten-Grade 8 families are available by reservation only. St. Mark is proud to be a 2009 Nationally Recognized Blue Ribbon School of Excellence and a New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) accredited school. For more information, call (203) 375-4291 or email To reserve an Open House tour, visit Please see the attached poster. St. Mark School students will be speaking at the end of all Masses this weekend.
ST. MARK SCHOOL HAS CANCELLED THEIR BOTTLES AND CANS COLLECTION FOR NEXT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1. Please hold on to your returnables until their next collection on March 1.
ST. MARK CHURCH ANNUAL APPEAL begins next weekend. Please see a letter from Fr. Birendra in the bulletin and attached.
GROCERY GIFT CARDS NEEDED: Deacon Paul is collecting grocery gift cards for the needy at The Lord’s Kitchen, Merton House, and Bethlehem House. Grocery gift cards should be from Stop and Shop or Shop Rite in $25 denominations and can be brought to the rectory or given to Deacon Paul at Mass. Deacon Paul thanks you for your endless generosity, the need is so great. May you be blessed many times over.
DIOCESE OF BRIDGEPORT VIRTUS SAFE ENVIRONMENT: The Diocese of Bridgeport is committed to the safety and welfare of our children! As all volunteers are aware, an updated background check and five-year renewal training session is imperative to keeping our children and community safe. For your information, you may visit the St. Mark website, click on “links,” click on “Diocese of Bridgeport” tab, click on “Safe Environment,” and read and review the most current data regarding safety for our children, and elderly, in the community. For those who are volunteers, please make sure you are updated in VIRTUS by visiting your existing account at Or you may phone the Office of Safe Environment: 203-416-1407.
Additional resources are available and free to all parents at our parish. These resources include articles on human trafficking, youth protection, and care for vulnerable adults. Please visit the Virtus website Resources page for information:
The Diocese of Bridgeport also offers all parents the opportunity to attend Safe Environment training to supplement the Safe Environment training your child receives in public school. Please visit the Diocese of Bridgeport website to learn more and to sign up for this free and valuable training:
Enjoy the week!
Laura and Joan